Welcome to Gettysburg Beer Mart 

It is time to take a visit to Gettysburg Beer Mart!

Our new location at 646 York St. is stocked with tons of beer!

Don't see what you're looking for? Let us know and we will order, if available! 

Store Hours:

Monday-Saturday 9am-9pm

Sunday 9am-6pm

What do we offer?

Craft Beer

Looking for craft beer?  Look no further!  We have a vast selection of craft beers; double & triple IPAs, sours, gluten free, and much more!  Can't find what you are looking for?  Speak to our friendly staff regarding special orders!

Mix & Match

Unsure what you are looking for?  Want to try something new?  Buy 1, 2, or 6 craft beers from our mix and match area!  

Domestics& Imports

Gettysburg Beer Mart offers a wide variety of domestics and imports!  


Visit us at:

Gettysburg Beer Mart
646 York Street, Gettysburg, PA  17325


Give us a call


646 York Street,  Gettysburg, PA  17325
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